I have been a landlord for quite a while but this is a new on for me.
The Situation: A father and his 17 year old son live in one of my apartments. Their one year lease recently expired and they are on month-to-month. The son was listed on the 1-year lease. The son has broken windows, keeps the tenants up all night, throws garage everywhere, etc. I have told the father the son needs to leave in the past and he got him out for a while. He is back once again and is disturbing the other tenants. This time, I want to kick him out with official documentation. The father wants to stay and he is a good tenant that just happens to have a problem child. Given the discussions I have had with him, I think he will honor keeping the child away going forward.
Question: What is the proper documentation process for this? Should I give a 30 day notice to end their tenancy and then sign a new lease with only the father listed on the lease? Any other thoughts?