Glad to help @David Flores! Not every county list will give you the information you need to make this determination, but some of them will. One thing to look for is the property type (most counties have some type of use code they refer to)... you could even call the county and ask if there are any line items in the list you could use to decipher this.
You could also look at the address, like you said - though this isn't always perfectly reliable (because some vacant lots do have registered street addresses, and you don't necessarily want to remove those). If it starts with 0, or if there's no address or street number at all, that's usually a fair indication that it's vacant.
If you're working in a rural county, another option is to just send the mail to all the absentee owners on the list. You will get some leads on houses, but even so - you'll likely find that the vast majority of leads are still vacant lots. This happens because most home owners have mortgages with escrow accounts to keep their taxes current, which by default keeps those properties OFF the delinquent tax list in the first place.