8 days after my post. I'd like to share my experience with this seller. Many have criticized me for pushing her too hard. I followed the suggestions and stopped calling her (maybe 1 time every 2-3 days). But I did sent her an email asking if all was OK with the purchase agreement and if she needed any assistance from me. Here was her reply on Oct. 15:
"I feel that this offer is good for all. My feeling is YES, but again, I am awaiting authorization from both attorneys. I will be speaking with mine again around 9:30 today, and he will be receiving the acceptance from the other attorney before giving me the okay to sign the contract. I am hoping that it will be today so that we can move forward quickly. I am sorry that things aren’t as immediate as we BOTH would like, so please bear with me. Thanks."
It looked pretty positive and I understood she has more than one attorney to review a pretty basic standard sales contract. I then gave her a few days more and followed with another email asking her if all was OK and if she is still interested to close the deal and if she needed any assistance from me.
Here was her reply on Oct. 19.
"......And yes, your offer is ready to go...I just need that final clearance. Thanks again for all your patience."
So at this point 2 weeks has passed since I sent her my sales contract. I replied her by asking if it will be helpful so set up a meeting to meet her with the attorneys to clarify any issues they might have since I might not be able to secure the funds for much longer if I could not get any confirmation that this deal will go.
No more replies whatsoever. From Oct 15 till Oct 24 I called her maybe 2 or 3 times and sent her around 4 emails. Left message and she never replied any. It is my conclusion that this seller is playing games with me and I'm used as a back up offer for her to negotiate with others. I seldom see sellers that constantly confirm the deal is a go but they don't seem to want to go or don't seem to send any hints that they might want to negotiate better price or terms. Lesson learned. A seller may tell you we are good to go but will never mean it. When they start acting out of normal that should be a red flag. All of other excuses like being overwhelmed, etc. Truly are just BS for me. If you want to close a deal you will find to close it. Period.