Ok folks, so I have been mailing a postcard to just over 1900 addresses. I have mailed 3 times so far with about 5 weeks in between each mailing. The list I am using is from list source. I am targeting absentee owners with some other factors to narrow down my list. After reading a post by Michael Quarles, I applied what he said to use to narrow down my list.
For the first 2 mailings, I was getting calls from people to remove me from my list. 2 weeks after my third mailing, I have received ZERO calls. I have already purchased enough cards to do 6 full mailings. I know everyone says to stick it out for at least that, and that the "magic" happens in the 4th, 5th, 6th mailings. I bought enough at the beginning because it was a better price to buy more and to commit myself to mailing at least 6 touches.
I get a lot of returned cards that say "attempted not known", "Not deliverable as addressed", "insufficient address", and "vacant". I am saving all the returned ones, because in my mind vacant is a good thing. However, if I was mailing to absentee owners, why would their house be vacant! Shouldn't the owner be living there?! in any case I want to follow up with the vacant ones for sure. How do I do that? Where should I start? If the address I originally obtained for the absentee owner is now vacant, how do I find them?
What would you do? Thank you!!