My husband and I recently relocated to Orlando. A Seller contacted us accepting an offer that we had submitted 3 months ago in our old city in TN and the property is now 9 hours away from us. We have flipped 2 houses already in this area in TN. However, we are not able to use any of the subs we used previously as we either broke up with them or they have changed numbers or are no where to be found. Weird. I'm definitely learning to keep a circle of subs around at all times. haha We could use any and all advice on handling this from afar. I'm busy in Orlando trying to build business as a Realtor here. I would really like the ability to focus on building my business here, and be more hands off with the project there, but am so nervous! My husband isn't really involved in the investing, but loves the hands on work. I don't know that I want to sacrifice him being so far away for 6-8 weeks to work on the house while it's being renovated. What advice do you all have on how to manage contractors from afar, pick out finishing touches such as flooring and other items, and making sure the work is done well. We plan to go up periodically to inspect, but we're also contemplating renting a small apartment nearby so my husband and dad can be involved and hands on. A friend got us a great deal on an apartment for only $725 a month. There are so many avenues we could go down, but I'd like to really hone my skills on long distance investing/renovating. I know you guys will have some incredible advice for a newbie!