Thanks for the replies! @Nicholas Armstrong I couldn't agree more as this type of rapport building is what led me to be very successful in my sales type jobs throughout college ultimately leading me to management positions. I would say my purposes for a script are not so much on what to say to a seller but what questions to ask that will qualify the seller. I have always approached any type of sales position with the goal of becoming ones friend and advisor to genuinely help the client on their pain points and solve their problems.
Due to my lack of personal experience right now asking questions like "are you aware if the title has a lien on it" etc are not natural to me yet and I need to form some type of structure at first to ensure that I do not go through a call thinking everything is great and I have touched all the points only to hang up and realize I didn't ask them how much in repairs they think the place needs, or how old the furnace is etc.
@Mark F. those are some good questions! Thanks for those I will add them to my list.
I don't know if I am overcomplicating things but some of the main points to touch on a call I have are:
Do you have a house for sale?
What is it worth?
What are the repairs necessary and condition of the home?
What do you owe?
What would you hope to get for it?
Are there any liens on the title that you may be aware of?
I will definitely be adding some of the mentioned questions from Mark to my arsenal.