Just as I Thought - We Have A Bully in The Midst
Apology, we truly apologize for those of you who have been caught up in this mess and who have been offended by simply sharing your comments on this thread of post. You deserve better for sure! Please do not feel obligated to respond. You of course can and have a right to respond but do not feel obligated for any reason to do so. Again we apologize if you have been offended in any way!
Wow!!! What a Night! Congrats Tom. You have managed to not only offend us egregiously (peggy and steve with your original comments and then subsequent comments) but you have also managed to offend and belittle just about everybody who have posted concerning this meetup. Here is some of your offensive comments about the meetup members who posted
Toms Comments = "As to the five posters who you claim commend you, let's see. One of them has a grand total of one post. Another has 14 total, ALL of which are on your advertisements for your Meetup. Too of them posted "so excited about the topic" for this meetup, when no topic had been presented at that point. I guess my post spurred you to actually come up with a topic, and post here an hour or so ago. So I don't give a lot of credibility to those who commend your meetup." Tom Comments that he is not willing to believe anyones comments. Belittling every poster in this thread as well as the entire meetup group with his comments. Now Who Really Has Something to Hide!
Just as I Thought! We have a Bully Here. We see who doth protest to much. Tom fires the first unsolicited punch (yes some opinion but mostly false egregious statements about us personally, about the meetup and the members who truly effort to succeed with the right mindset). and then when punched back we see who protest to much with hateful twitter like rants not only against peggy - steve but also all others who have commented. . Typical for a Bully who has something to hide Easy to make and take the first punch but not so easy to take a punch. Typical Bully!
Tom, as noted in my original comments concerning your comments = you have a right to your opinion but not your facts. Here is your well known original comments.
Toms original unsolicited comments = "In my opinion, the least productive of the four different Houston meetups I have attended. No outside speakers, very few networking opportunities. Unfortunately, in my opinion, it is primarily a forum to provide leads to the two meetup leaders. At least that was my impression, and I attended four different meetups they held. I suggest all new Houston area investors check out at least several of the meetups around town before settling on one."
Tom, if you would have just stuck with your opinion then so be it. However, it is clear and apparent that when I voiced my opinion of your comments, you did not take it to well. You got off the rails with False and Egregious statements and personallly offensive to us. Your original and subsequent comments have offended all meetup members and attendees as if your words are the gospel and as if nobody else in this meetup or on this commenting thread has a right to think and do for themselves. You have no right to IMPOSE Your Opinion and False Statements on Anyone. Just Simply vote with your feet. Great go to another meetup. Great! But keep your personally damning opinions and Egregiously False Statements to yourself. Everyone on this thread and at the meetups are smart enough to discern for themselves and do not need to be dictated to by You, Me or anyone else. You stepped way over the line by casting and using these false aspersions to meet your own hateful and egregious and selfish ends.
All meetup members have an right to an opinion. But we and they also have a right not to have personal opinions and egregiously false statements imposed on them by a Bully. These folks are smart, seriously minded people who can make up their own minds without a Bully attempting to tell them and impose on them how to think. These meetup members have a right to vote with their feet and attend any meetup they like without false and egregious statements that are not opinions. Just because you or anyone says and opinion is an opinion does not make it an opinion. Egregiously False Statements are not opinions.
Tom, Here is where you got off the rails and went personal in your egregiously false attack.
1. No Outside Speakers = Clearly Blatantly and Egregiously False. Every quarter we have outside speakers that are on the "Ask the Pros Panel" We also have others as noted clearly. Further, I sent the email about Prospect Mortgage to Meetup Members 3 times now starting 10 days ago. Had nothing to do with your post period. Further, every month we have the sponsors speak about their services and offerings and they are there after the meetup during Networking time to network and mingle with all members who do actually network and mingle to help them with their power team if the members want them on their power team. No Opinion just False Statements
2. Very Few Networking Opportunities: Clearly Blatantly and Egregiously False: About half of our meetup attendees arrive around 30 minutes or so before the meetup starts to have a Free Meal and Network. There is some serious networking and relationship building done at this time. Many members and guest then stay at the end of the meetup for Networking many staying up to 30 - 60 minutes after Networking and building relationships. No Opinion just False Statements
3. Primarily a Forum to Provide Leads to The Meetup Leaders: Partially True but Mostly Egregiously False Personally and Personal Attack. As noted yes we get some leads. Of course we get leads not only from this meetup but in many ways as we work really hard to gain and get leads in this biz. We spend a ton of money on marketing. This False & Egregious Attacking Statement is clearly a personal and closed attack based on hateful unwarranted spite from where it comes I do not know. All of our meetup members and guest network before and after meetups to get leads on deals but also get leads on relationships for sure. They also receive training to help them get leads and deals not only from us but from other meetups they attend as well. The idea that we somehow hoard up all these leads from the meetup to the detriment of all others is a so Egregiously False & Personal Attack that will not go unchecked. So then who really has Something to Hide Here???
Tom, You Fired The First Unsolicited Shot with a False and Personal Attack. I fired back because I could not and will not let these Seriously Blatantly False Statements stand. If you would have simply state you feel the other meetups are better for You then great. Like water off a ducks back to me. But to then make the egregiously false statements and personal attacks is way over the line. Tom you like all other meetup members have a right to vote with your feet. You do not have a right to impose with egregiously false statements to then attempt to sway others opinions based on these Egregiously False Statements. Making false statements at an attempt to sway opinion to the harm of others is about as Bully like as it gets. Anyone in our meetup has a right to think for themselves and Vote with Their Feet and their own minds. They may decide to attend Rich or Jet Lending.
We were invited to attend the Jet Lenders meetup 2 months ago and found it to indeed be a good meetup with good info. No problem for anyone to attend the Jet Lending meetup or any others that they would like. However, I have seen in so many cases where new investors get so many opinions and so many docs that they are unsure what to say and what to use. Thus why I strongly suggest to ride 1 or 2 ponies whether it be Steve - Peggy or anyone else. Just focus on what works for you and go get it done.
Tom, I have no need to and will not comment further on this matter. I Truly have no desire to have a verbal duel with your or anyone else. You and I have far better things to do! Further, I have posted comments below from our past meetups! I will let these comments from these independently minded meetup members and guest speak for themselves!
1. Look forward to seeing you all at our next event. Should prove to be quite educational! @Theodore Rivera
2, The last meet up was informative and well attended. Looking forward to meeting more investors and learning more from Steve & Peggy. Hope to spend a little more time networking and trading cards this time, too! @Devon Scott
3. I'm looking forward to the next meeting on the rehab nightmare. I appreciate the opportunity to hear the details of a deal that went wrong and why so I can learn from it.
The last meeting provided valuable information as well.
Thanks to Steve, Peggy & the sponsors! @Marilyn Lee
4. great topic Steve!! And as always, you really give concrete and usable information- the specific outline will be great. Look forward to the valuable information. @Sara Tourtellot
5 I attended Steve and Peggy's Kick-Start training a few weeks ago and it did not disappoint. They have given me the tools to get started in this business and it hasn't cost me $1. Looking forward to learn more at the next Meetup! @Mike Gagne
6. The May meetup was my first one. No way I'm missing the next! Great info....I've already got a stack of questions lined up! @Andrew Farmer
7. I went for the first time last month and I will definitely be coming back for this meetup. Thank you, @Gatewood Brown
8. Right On this month's Q & A session was great looking forward to this next meetup! @Rey Delgado
9. Super meet up this one, looking forward to learning even more than last month. Thanks guys! @Gordon S.
10. One of the best, if not the best meetup in Houston. Can't wait to attend this meeting. Always something to learn. Super excited!!! @Kelvin Aribodor
There are Hundreds and Hundreds more Comments from These Meetup Members Who are Intelligent & Independent Minded People Who Can Think for Themselves.