Jason, here's the old guy perspective.
lots of good advice on here, I'm 62 closer to retirement age, I went the SDIRA route with my accounts, Buying and holding properties in the IRA , building tax deferred income and purchasing houses inside IRA about every Two years. mine are traditional Ira's , Agreed i don't get to hold the money in my hands but it fully remains dedicated to real estate and keeps me on focus. great rate of return.
As far as a Mortgage loans I now as of last month have none. So that is a option I have available right now.
Refi, heloc, etc. some would say I am not using it to the full potential, At my age I am thinking , Whew and Am building that cash reserves, everyone is talking about. I need direction on what to do with that liquid cash.
My third Strategy has been to buy portfolio lending properties in an LLC , we have been doing this for years,
with the W2 income loans have been available. This is the biggest part of the portfolio , the properties have started paying off. This is the NO money down option, OPM!!! And it doesn't effect my debt to income ratio's.
As far as the Stock Market, when you wake up one morning and 50 to 60% of your life savings is gone. It wakes you up, At least with Real estate I feel like I control my destiny. market might crash but i still own the properties. and were still making people who need to rent. As long as i am not over leveraged i should be ok.
I have started taking a small dividend from my IRA, It covers The additional payment of a structure I built on my property. I tell everyone after taxes, I get a building pmt, and a happy meal each month . If I really go all out I supersize it. lol
I still have a W2 J.O.B. . It provides me with insurance. (when your old you need it) A nice income and money to invest in my future.
The answer is there are so many different options available YOU control your destiny.
Good luck to you