Thanks for the reply. I'm talking about buying multi-family propeties. 50+ units. Locally to start with. Analyzing the numbers and understanding the value compared to the risks. how to mitigate those risks and so on.
I would like to think I'm asking these questions to avoid the 'lucky' guess investment.
Anyway, I know you were just making a point. However, your reply comes off as if you're annoyed with my question. You don't need to reply if thats the case.
I realize the need to understand the local market and the local government, the population trends and all the other items you listed. Its one thing to see those numbers, it's a different thing to understand how they will directly relate to the proposed investment. I want to understand that relationship. I want someone who understands that relationship to teach it to me in the fastest way possible so I don't spend a long time trying to figure it out on my own.
I have a formal education in political economy. I'm looking for a link between that and investing. The very reason for my post was to figure out a way to continue my education. So, if you can offer any direct advice to that matter I'd appreciate it. If not, someone else probably can.
have a good one