Alright, I just got a deal under contract and here is a new one for me:
There are tenants in the property now. The owner doesn't know who they are. She's out of town and the mother apparently rented or allowed the tenants to move in. They don't have a lease - or if they do the mother created it and didn't have the legal authority to do so. She also has Alzheimer’s so she doesn't know who is living there and they are not collecting rent.
Since I have no idea who lives there, I haven't been able to get inside the house. I told the lady I'd give her x without seeing the inside. It could be a good deal but I have no idea. If the house isn't in complete shambles on the interior then the price is decent.
And yes, I have an option on the house so I can back out without question at any time in case there is something going on that hsouldn't be.
So, I'm trying to get ideas on how to find out who is living in the house. I can't file for eviction unless I have the first and last names of all occupants. Also, I need to find out if they've been paying rent, how much and to whom. I've been by the house multiple times and no one is home. I went to and paid for a search that was garbage and told me nothing. I did a whitepages search and got some names but the names didn't match the intellius report.
So, anyone have any ideas? I was thinking of posting a notice on the front door saying you're being evicted. Please call. Seems a bit cold to evict someone if they legitimately think they have a right to be there and I haven't even given them a chance to explain. But, I certainly don't want anyone in the house that isn't paying.
The alternative would be to post something on the door that says the seller has agreed to sell the house and they need to identify themselves. Am I reading too much into this. Could it be that simple?
Thanks in advance