@Alan C. - Great questions!
1. No water? No problem! With permission from my neighbor, my sub's used my neighbor's water whenever they needed it.
2. But what about plumbing leaks? My plumber is AMAZING! He used an air pressure test to determine leaks. We replaced a ton of broken/leaking pipes using this method. Once we got the water turned on, there was no leaks!
3. So what happened with BGE? Prior to renovation, there was a water main leak, BGE took my water meter, and didn't replace it once the water main leak was fixed. So fast forward to me asking to turn on the water, the plumber and the city were scratching their head when they couldn't find a way to turn on the water. SOOOO ... long story short ... after 5 supervisor escalations and a $100 installation fee, an emergency ticket was put in to re-install the meter and install a valve to get water!
As of today (05/11/20), Water is turned on and I am finally at punch list. Lead cert and inspections are scheduled next week and I have a prospect ready to sign and make a deposit. I've made a lot of mistakes but am excited to have the finish line in sight! Thank you all!