Thanks for the replies!
Ryan, yes 21st Mortgage is nationwide. But they do the homes; I would think park financing would be easy nowadays (assuming it is stabilized) . If you have empty spaces, they can help with that too.
Chase, yes I was talking about land/home deals. But more specifically, finding a lender that does cash-out refi's up to 65-70% LTV of ARV. I talked to someone at 21st who confirmed they did refis but only to 50% of the ORGINAL PURCHASE PRICE. So in other words, if I bought a fixer on land for $20k, put another $20k in it, and then it appraised for $70k, they would only give me 50% of the original $20k ! Since this is so ridiculous, I am planning on calling back in a couple of weeks to try and ask someone else, just in case this person didn't understand...
As a real estate agent in a rural part of VA, do you see a difference in single wide vs dbl wide in resale and ability to finance? Singlewides are cheaper to set-up, fix-up and purchase generally, and they rent for almost as much. Thoughts?
Also, it seems like mobiles in land (or in parks for that matter) aren't nearly as popular in Virginia as they are in the Carolinas and other Southern states. Don't see anywhere near the number of for sales here as say, in South Carolina. Do you agree?