Hey gang,
I have several new apartment communities that ive bought since january (In TN,NC, & TX). I bought them with a combination of cash and short term note (owed to a family investor). I bought the LLC's that own the properties which created a continued chain of title (no increased taxes) and the ability to show long track record on the asset to the perm ledner (something that we normally do when we take it through HUD 223F). My current notes come due around the first of 2014 and I am looking to start the refinance process- but I am looking for the best options out there. I am looking to be creative in order to AVOID:
1. Personal Gurantees - Financial statements, etc - I dont want to have to give my banker my first born child
2. I want to be able to focus on the property's financials, and not have the lender be so concerned about what else they can get me to throw in as collaterlize the loan with.
3. I want something that wont cost me a huge amount upfront- I am used to pay huge fees for HUD 223F loans (great program, just takes forever and these assets are b- assets,- anything less than a b+ is a pain to get HUD to approve
4. I am willing to accept 3-5 years terms if the upfront cost on the loans are low and the interest rate is managable (I know that I wont get my typical 3.5% outside of HUD). I just need to retire my investor's debt.
5. And just looking for a change- a straight forward process that isn't full of red tape and they wanting to know everything including my blood type. ha
Anyway guys, I am just trying to get creative and brain storm for a solution.