Have you ever been in the living room or on the phone with a seller and they just aren’t getting convinced? Most of the time sellers are skeptical and on their toes when on the phones with wholesalers.
Something has helped me exponentially, is pushing myself away from the seller slowly and professionally. For example...
Seller: I won’t be able to do it at 170K, I need Atleast 200K to move forward.
Wholesaler: I understand Mr. Seller that you want more for your home, let’s face it you have lived in it for 25 years, you know your home best.
Seller: Yeah it’s worth way more.
Wholesaler: I wish I could offer more but the numbers have to make sense for both of us... I really hope you get your house sold at 200K. If not, please feel free to reach back to me about the 170K cash offer.
Sometimes when we give the seller the benefit of the doubt for their offer, it makes them trust you and they see you care for them. But at the same time, you are letting them know you can’t go more than your offer because it just wouldn’t make sense.
I hope this helped. Thank you for your time.