First: Most people here like to protect others from scams. That's what the real estate license was created to do. Protect.
Second: Opinion.
Third: They state that it is hard to be successful doing just the affiliate because you can't relate about the education. (first flag) They do their best to convince you to do at least the lowest tier. Also, for those of you who's only comeback is "first hand experience" I have first hand experience with this when vetting it out for my Fiancee. It was clear they did not want affliates. They wanted to sell education
Fourth: I'm still trying to break out of my shell and I've managed to meet people that help me to be successful. I didn't have to pay 16k$ for that.
Fifth: Opinion. Hard to prove you are good when you are related to bad.
Sixth: You forgot to add how they want you to finance the school. They suggest bank loans/ira/begging. If they believed in a students success so much then why wouldn't they deduct from earnings as payment?
Seventh: Please do go in depth about the affliates that have to convince 3 people if they buy the lowest, 2 people if they buy the middle, 1 person if they buy the highest. Then explain the next tier that requires even more people be convinced to buy in. Then explain how your first 1-3 deals you get very little on. If you make it this high (means you are good at convincing others) then you turn around and do the same thing to all new people. This builds and builds like a.......pyramid.
Eighth: We know you all will continue to argue. Who would admit they were wrong after investing 16k$? Also, I have seen the cult like following on several websites. Nonstop arguing until people give up. That is your goal.......argue until we don't want to waste our time.