Take Rudolph, for instance. He was discriminated against simply because of the color of his nose!
Luckily, Santa has an affirmative action program in place. Then again, the main reason he used Rudolph was because his nose glowed, not just because of it's color. This glowing attribute was needed to deliver the gifts and accomplish the mission.
Question is, does there really need to be a program that allows ALL reindeers to pull Santa's sleigh, regardless of nose color? Even if their nose doesn't "glow". Should Santa have to lower his standards?
HELL NO! The presents must be delivered. Why should the operation be jeopardized for the sake of "equality"? If a red-nosed reindeer can NOT get his/her nose to glow, or isn't strong enough to pull the sleigh, the hell with them. They shouldn't be on the team! Why screw up the holiday!
I'm fine with any program that helps deserving reindeers to meet EXISTING standards. That would be an affirmative action plan I could live with.