I'm on my third Memphis pm. Tenants in Memphis are really bad! And that's saying a lot as tenants tend to suck in anyway.
I bought a couple from one of those "turnkey" companies. They go on and on about what a great rental market memphis is. What a large rental pool there is there... etc. You find out later why. Because the people there are financial basket cases. Here are some are some of the comments I've gotten from Memphis pms. Unfortunately, AFTER buy the marketing hype"
"We try to screen tenants best we can, but in Memphis that is a challenge. You'd be hard pressed to find a renter here without at least a few judgments against them!"
"Well, that's Memphis tenants for you!"
"We try not to rent to applicants with an eviction judgment against them in the last three years. That has proven to be challenging!"
I just fired my current PM, because he let the wife slip through on radar. She had 6 eviction judgments between 11/2007 and 12/2008. Would you want somebody like that in your rental? However, the pm only put the husband on lease (he had no judgments against him). Sure enough, we've made two trips in the last five months to eviction court! And, can you believe this, this pm tried to talk me into letting them stay! "Hey, so long as they end up paying up the back rent, late charges, and court costs, who cares if they stay?" I do.
Mind you, my properties are NOT in a war zone. The one above rents for $1200 a month. Its just a bad culture in Memphis, at least when it comes to financial responsibility!
Something the wholesalers and turnkey outfits don't tell you.