THE ANSWER IS NO if the property is underwater and a rejected short sale it is sitting in a grey area where the bank won't negotiate probably hoping the owner will get his s**t together or the bank is unaware about the recent drop in home values in that area for whatever reason....
If you could cash flow it the owner would probably not be under water.... If the house is vacant why would any right minded investor show up and think mhmm the house is vacant and worth less than it will cost i think ill just charge higher rent even though there is none there to begin with...
LETS JUST SAY there is a investor out there that has the right idea and could figure out some miraculous way to cash flow the place and convince the owner to take the loss and walk away empty handed... The owner is more likely to just delay the foreclosure and in some area it could take years meanwhile the owner could be staying with family renting out the place to pocket the cash off the books and than a few years later the foreclosure finishes and he could get bumped into section 8 (depending on location) with the bill 100% footed by his social security or workman comp assuming they are older or just lost there job because of an injury.... or no matter what the age maybe there just a deadbeat and will burn the place down and let the insurance deal with it... ALL OF THOSE ARE ILLEGAL but in my opinion probably more likely to happen in the situation posted above...
I am curious however to what the answer is @Dave Salcido or atleast the answer you had in mind when you posted i know you said something with same title equity share etc... leaving out the detail to inspire creative thinking but for some reason my creative thinking is just leading to the owner not cooperating or willing to save there credit if they can't manage the payments anyways... or was this just a trick question and my answer is the one your looking for?