Thanks for the replies. Thats definitely something i should have known but didnt know for sure if banks would allow you to make offers for yourself if you were your own agent. I do have my license but have never worked as an actual agent so the only problem i would see with me submitting my own offers is somehow getting myself into a bad spot by messing up details writing up contracts or something of that sort since i dont have experience doing it in the past.
I know that it is currently very hard to get profitable deals from banks since they are getting FMV; I still dont understand how that logically happens but fortunately I am at least able to show banks that i do have the funds readily available. With that said, do any of you know how big of a discount I can expect to get when offering full cash.
It almost just seems pointless coming in with an offer that includes room for profit, repairs, holding and selling costs bc somehow other investors and hedge funds are coming at market which i dont see how they are making any money doing so. I dont know if other investors are just comfortable risking the investment on tiny margins or what.