Quote from @Jessica Zolotorofe:
I'm not familiar with that area, but it depends on a lot of factors, of course the traffic like you mentioned, what the municipality will allow as far as how many square feet of advertising they can get, and then depending on how big of a company you're talking about for the billboard, an international company, or the local pizza place, it could vary a lot. I've seen low-traffic area rural leases at $1,000 and more populated but not main thoroughway or city for $5,000 to $15,000. And definitely include escalation clauses if you can. Again, totally depends on so many variables. Also, I always make sure that my clients include that it is the lessee's responsibility to pay for a survey or to prepare a legal description to attach to the lease, and they have to handle all of the approvals and zoning issues at their expense.
I would make sure that it's a ground lease, and they have to maintain the billboard and it's structural components as well as the ground area around it in good condition and they remove the billboard when their lease is up (or at least the actual face of the billboard and you can decide whether you want the structure down, too). Any electricity, their expense, too. If they want you to do anything at all, rent goes up. Also make sure that your lease restricts their ability to assign or sublease, and you should have reasonable consent rights as to content. Not sure what else is on the property, but make sure they can't advertise competitors of current tenants, if applicable, especially if you are leasing to a general ad company, or you'll have some unhappy tenants! And of course nothing obscene or distasteful, I always include nothing controversial, political, etc. whatever that means, but allows you some leeway to deny consent for things you don't want on your property. Lots to consider! Happy to chat further if you want to email or message me. Good luck!
I am negotiating a lease to allow a sign to be built on my land. They are offering 20% of revenue. I would like a base rent so that there is predictable income to better facilitate lease valuation because I would like to monetize the lease. I am considering asking for 10% of revenue as the minimum, plus 10% variable revenue share. I would like an escalation clause for the base rent but I'm receiving mixed advice about this. I've been told leases are appraised at 8-10x annual revenue, as opposed to gross lease value. Do you have any idea how leases are appraised in relation to how they are structured, escalation clauses, etc.?