You are way ahead of 99% of real estate investors for the age of 23. Many in their 50s have no idea what they want to do when they "Grow Up", we call them elected politicians:) So keep being interested. Keep learning. Watch YouTube videos. Buy some books. Read them several times. Join a local real estate investment association REIA, and go to their meetings. ( Start meeting other investors, learn from them, and then use leverage as your friend in order to magnify your gains.
Generally, because leases are renegotiated. You can justifiably increase the rents if inflation has been going up. And if a long-term lease like we have in commercial real estate, you can schedule increases in the rent rate on a yearly or biennial basis, either at a fixed negotiated rate like 2% or linked to the CPI or consumer price index, which in 2022 was up 9% and this past year was up only about 4% but traditionally is up only one or two percent a year. (you write this into the lease) Leverage, leverage, leverage is as important as location, location, location when it comes to real estate. Right now, borrowing costs are higher than they've been in 30 years, so it's OK to wait a bit to make a purchase (ie. it may be hard to find a good deal today). Borrowing costs should come down as the economy is slowing down now due to the high fed funds rate (5.33%) particularly in the multifamily space which has an enormous supply coming online across the country this year and next year. There should be very good opportunities to buy potentially distressed multifamily assets one to two to three years from now.
Find property in a good location, at a good price, and at a good point in the real estate and business cycle, with the most leverage you can get, ie. the lowest down payment are some of the keys to success, whether its residential real estate or commercial.
and don't beat yourself up when you screw up, which you of course will, many times. That's just mandatory tuition to the School of Hard Knocks. Remember in Life and Real Estate you can either "Win or you can Learn."
I only do syndication investing but there are many experts on BP forums here that can show you how to get 10% down, or even lower through FHA loans etc, so your leverage is 10X or 20X. You have no total control long term over the appreciation of your real estate, that's more up to the neighborhood/demographics/economy/supply-demand/inflation rate etc. You can though buy well and maintain well and lease well and hopefully sell well. Historically RE appreciates even better than the long term inflation rate, as it has especially the last 15 years, since Great Financial Crisis. So imagine if property appreciates only 2% in a bad year but you have 20:1 leverage?
and then there's the tax benefits, WOW oh WOW - good luck :)