Quote from @Geri Randall:
Goodegg has stopped distributions on the offering I bought a couple of years ago, called Congaree Villas, and has not been forthcoming with revised financial projections that explain why it has done so--even though it says the property is still cash flow positive and has adequate reserves. It has provided no estimate of when distributions will be resumed.
Nonetheless, it continues its barrage of self-promotion and continues to project large profits on current offerings.
The proof is in the pudding. I am 80 years old and rely on investments for retirement income. I have to caution would-be investors: Don't count on the returns they say they expect to achieve. It's hype, not substance.
Dear Geri, Very, very sorry to hear about this investment gone bad. It looks like "Good Egg" is simply an Entity that collates funds, and then invests those funds on your behalf with the actual sponsors/general partners that actually purchase the properties, get the loans, manage the properties and distribute the funds. Effectively good egg is simply a P.O. box that takes a Commission out of your hard earned/saved money, in return, for purportedly providing due diligence to vet the potential projects and sponsors, on your behalf. Clearly, they failed in their primary responsibility to you as their layer of due diligence was a mere gossamer like patina. Real estate syndication investing is still quite valuable as it can offer higher Returns than investing in public REITs but not as high returns as direct ownership and management of real estate by some experienced people, but with the benefit of being far more passive, than direct ownership/management. But I would strongly advise, never letting somebody else do your due diligence on an investment for you.
First of all, as seen here with Good Egg, they have no alignment of interest with you. Their interest, like a real estate agent, is simply to churn incoming flows of money at a high rate in order to get their Commission and their cut. Which means they are probably advertising new Deals all the time even though their prior offers are collapsing. I doubt they've offered to make you whole on your investment having failed at their primary/only job of due diligence. In future, please try to only invest directly with general partner/sponsors, not through any incompetent "intermediary". There is absolutely no need to have this extraneous and superfluous layer in the form of "Good Egg" and other companies that simply collate funds, take a fat commission and then route the money to the actual GP/Syndicator. It is not very difficult or complicated to evaluate commercial real estate, there are plenty of good books available that can teach you how, textbooks, online courses, community college classes, even excellent youtube videos etc, and it is actually quite enjoyable in the process to learn.
If this is not something you're interested in delving into and learning to a high degree, then investing in publicly traded REITs would be another good option for you, which have historically returned about 13.5 per cent Per year over the past 50 years (1977-present), beating the US stock market by two per cent and even beating private real estate investing by 4 per cent (that's compared with the average real estate investor, not the experts here at Bigger Pockets). There is lots of information on how to analyze publicly traded REITs as well. They give the benefit of instant liquidity and being able to sell them when you need the cash. And you can also buy them when they're beaten down and underpriced due to market overreactions like currently, due to rapid rise in US 10yr rate.
I've read and watched multiple Good Egg offerings and they are typical of many feeder funds and to be fair like many primary GP/syndicators as well for both taking on unnecessary risks and also charging confiscatory fees, as #1 they have no skin in the game and #2 they get a big cut up front whether project fails or not, find GPs that are investing >10-15% of their own cash into every deal.
good luck and sorry this happened