Generally speaking (I dont have any details about your situation), househacking is the best way in for people getting started. The reason for this is that existing loan guidelines are set up to favor people buying their primary home. Conventional, FHA, and USDA all have products with very low downpayment options and government-subsidized rates for first time homebuyers who have a normal income. Also, Conventional and FHA allow for buying multifamily properties as your primary home, meaning you can buy a duplex, triplex, or 4-plex, live in one unit, and rent out the others. On the other hand, most true investment property loans are going to require at least 20% down.
I also recommend that you network as much as possible with other investors. You can learn a lot by being around others with a similar mindset or who have more experience than you. Charleston has a very active REI community and several meetup/networking events each month that are pure gold. REI Central is the most prominent event. I strongly recommend you start attending these as often as possible and soak up as much knowledge as you can.
I'm more than happy to help if you have any questions about loans or networking. Shoot me a DM if you want to chat about it.