@Rick Harmon Funny you should mention infusionsoft as that is our CRM of choice. My application of choice for the collection and study of data is Filemaker Pro. That is primarily because filemaker not only allows you to collect and store data, but it also allows you to build applications around that data. Applications that you can use in your day to day operations.
However, in our case, simple spreadsheats to house summaries will work just fine. We live in an amazing age. The tools we need are all around us. Google analytics provides much of the data we use.
We use a VOIP phone system and so tracking incoming calls is very easy to do. Because it's voip, you have a tremendous amount of flexibility, from setting up unique numbers and attaching those number to specific campaigns. Reporting is also a very easy thing to pull off. I just download call records from whatever time period I need, and pull that data into my application to perform the summaries and create reports.
As far as PURLS are concerned, we use a service called Purlem. A lot of purl services force you to use their site as a host for your campaigns landing pages. Purlem, via their own plugin, gives you the ability to host the landing pages on your wordpress website. This is huge because it's very very easy to keep that traffic on your own real estate. I mean what's the point of driving traffic, if not to your site.
The Purlem interface is also a very simple and intuitive one. The reporting features are pretty basic, but that's ok. I have yet to discover a metric that purlem doesn't measure. But I imagine whatever purlem didn't measure, I could rely on google analytics to pick up the slack.
I don't want to turn this into an ad for PURLEM, but their biggest asset is Marty, the founder/owner. That guy never sleeps and responds to support requests day and night. When I started working with him, I pestered him about building an integration solution for infusionsoft. So he created one. Now, our purl results are passed through to infusionsoft, and can trigger an entirely different campaign.
So for a guy like me, who likes to see all my marketing efforts working together, this is a pretty slick solution. I get a list with name, address and one or two other pieces of information. When that user hits their personalize page, they have to update and ad to the info I have before they can "activate" their site. That then triggers, email drips, the creation of opportunity records, and contact by our sales staff.
The nice thing about infusionsoft, is that you have the ability to add custom features that are specific to your business. For us, we have clearly defined qualifiers for each step of the process. I use the "check list" feature when setting up the funnel steps. Infusionsoft at it's heart is a database, so you can get very granular in your reporting should you need to.
If you are interested in seeing it in action, send me a pm, and I'll create a test user url so you can see how it all comes together. Let me know if I can answer any ?'s as you move forward.