My beautiful and healthy son Miles Thomas Guthrie was born on June 14 at 8:36PM.
My wife labored naturally all day. She then tried pushing for 3.5 hours but he wouldn't come out. He was lodged in there. We ended up having a C-Section. Turns out he was turned sideways and probably would never have made it out on his own.
He weighed 7lbs 15oz
21.5" long
He has been sleeping very well, and breastfeeding great. I don't want to jinx it, but I think we've gotten a very cooperative and non-fussy baby. I just melt every time I look at him. Like I have read so many other daddies say before, you just don't know how it feels until it happens to you. It is the best thing that has every happened to me.
On another note, in the middle of my wife laboring, I found out I am getting laid off near the end of August. Not the thing a father who is coaching his wife through natural child birth needs to hear. But we'll be alright. Life and God provides and I know we'll make it through this period.