Take a look at http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode50a/usc_sec_50a_00000535----000-.html I found it very informative.
As prior service, I used the act to break several leases going back and forth to the Mid East. I really appreciated my landlords taking care of me. I was at Fort Campbell so they had it down.
The act does get abused though. I had some subordinates try to pull a fast one on a local landlord who happened to work on post (base) in the ID card section. I was up there getting a new ID card and he happened to be the one serving me. He asked me if such and such got off to his new assignment ok after he became aware of where I worked. Seems they had provided the landlord with a falsified letter. Blindsided to say the least. I think my head actually came off my shoulders. Heads rolled and the landlord was properly compensated.
I would call the base and get the number of commander that signed the letter. Don't use the number on the letter. Call and verify the information in the letter. If everything is valid I'd help however I could. If not, I'd crush them because they make it hard on service members actually needing relief.
Good luck