Unless there has been something recently has happen to the property with most lenders a 90% offer will be rejected. With some lenders they have an algorithim that they use in pricinng the property. I am not sure of all the variables that they use but one of them is the number of offers that that have recently received on the property. They do count stupid offers as offers, ie a 10,000 on a 100,000 listed price is still counted. There was a REO locally that just sold for about 10% of listed price. The property had a fire while vacant and with that new information the lender sold it for less.
Reo properties will never have a steady cashflow because the property will be vacant. It is up to you to do any repairs and either sell the property, live in it, or rent it out.
As for the condition of the properties I like to tell people that it's just like christmas. You never know what it is until you see it. Sometimes they will be move in ready, other times you need a Hazmat suit to clean out all the crap(literally) in the house.