The seller has already committed to paying a commision if you use the sellers agent you will not get full services as they are expecting to pay a buyers agent. When you are dealing with an agent owned property you are negotiating with someone who does this for living. Would you go into court against a lawyer without a lawyer? Get someone to give you a hand.
pixelmation Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:29 am Post subject:
I would think, if you would feel more comfy using your realtor in this deal, but still want a good deal and not pay that good deal upfront to your realtor...then ask him to take his commission over a 6 or 12 month span. If the property makes enough cashflow to do that, then he'll have a little money coming in "cashflow" every month. Either way, he is getting paid :)
The commision is disbursed at closing on the HUD-1 so that won't work.
Get a good agent that is familar with the area. I have a buyer currrently that is closing a property next week. The accepted sales price is 5k less than where he wanted to start offering at.
A good agent knows the market conditions and where to go to get information that is needed on a daily basis. Best of all a buyers agent normally won't cost you a dime but can save you a lot of money.