@Nate Desmond There is risk here and you should ask yourself if it is a. containable, b. worth the benefit and c. what are you willing to pay for it.
To answer a. you should ask yourself what is the result of a catastrophic outcome and if you can contain it? Like is this your only REI property or one of dozens? If the former - this can have a serious impact on your overall investment. If the latter - this might be a bump in the road..
If the answer to a. is 'yes' then move to b.: ask what do you expect to profit from sticking to this property and is it worth it to take a risk. If still 'yes' move to c. an ask what premium do you expect the seller to give you (i.e: discount) to make it worth your while should summer comes and you find out that not only you have 10,000's of non-paying residents in the house but that those are literally eating into your equity...
Get expert advice on this from people who specialize in termites - both on risk, damage, feasibility of containment and cost of repairs.
REI is much about risk management.
Hope this helps and good luck!