@Joel Owens
I feel like I should pay you for the advice you have given me.
I understand that research and knowing your market is key, and I hope my background in advanced statistical analyses will be able to give me an edge is some way since I have access to programs a lot of other real estate agents do not have.
I'm actually working on a quick-fix analyses sheet and would love to share it with you afterwards and see what you think of it.
@Oren K.
I definitely want to work with investors.
I understand that each sale will be harder, the commissions will be smaller and the research will be more extensive. But it's all worth it because I'm trading a smaller portion of profit for something just as valuable; networking.
I want to get into investing myself, and if I'm able to make connections at my age and through being a real estate agent, I will have a decent network around me by the time I'm able to make the plunge. Who knows? Maybe I'll stumble upon a few partners along the way!
And if that fails, like you said, time for luxury retail buyers. lol