So I sit at my computer after spending 8 hours giving my house a thorough scrub down. You name it I did it, scrubbed the walls, vacuumed, dusted every single little crevice. Found a spot for anything out of place. In general we keep a very tidy household but I wanted to go the extra mile to make sure there were no excuses and then this happened...
I had a showing for my home and this woman was not thrilled with my house at all let me know every single detail about what was out of place, to the point where not a single positive thing came out of her mouth; until the end where she mentioned all that said and done you own a very pretty home. Now to be fair those very small imperfections were there and I am somewhat happy she pointed them out because now I am finding new ways to make my home look better.
Keep in mind I currently live in this property (Using the BRRRR method as we move into our next home). But I am somewhat shocked that someone would be so bluntly upfront. So you tell me should I even consider this candidate being that if she is so upset with the tiniest detail then she may be a somewhat melodramatic, needy tenant who is going to give me a lot of headaches or should I consider the upside in the fact that she likely keeps a very tidy organized home and won't destroy my property?
YOU DECIDE. Thanks for the comments.