In the area I rent it’s very difficult to not allow pets in the units, nearly 50% of my Potential tenants own a Dog or Cat, so I feel your pain.
With that being said pets can be a nightmare that we have to manage but it is manageable. Here’s what we do:
1.) Screen your tenants and get someone who is a clean FREAK. Our current tenant has a dog but as soon as you meet her you can tell not a single thing is out of place in her life. This woman couldn’t live in filth if you forced her too.
2.) Create a monthly pet fee. If you do this it shows that one you’re willing to work with your tenants instead of saying no I don’t take animals (which they appreciate dogs are some people’s children) and two if something happens you’re already ahead of the game for cost in damages.
3.) Force a higher security deposit. I usually do about 30% higher in a security deposit for pets that seems fair. If the unit is entirely carpets than I do 50%.
4.) Pet proof your home. I replace most of my carpet with laminate flooring. It’s cost effective, it’s much easier to clean then carpet, and the stench doesn’t soak into the fibers. There are some things you can’t do but taking that extra step will go a long way in not only improving the look of your home but also protecting wallet.
Bonus Tip: Dont discriminate against the animals. Some people charge more for large dogs. Guess what a small cats urine can make an entire house wreak for weeks. Unless you’re concerned about the large dog biting but that’s a whole other can of worms we can talk about on a different forum. A pet is a pet is a pet. Unless they have a small fish you charge them a flat fee. You do the things I mentioned above and in most scenarios you’ll be fine.