I'm about to do the same loan from 401k on my next project for the first time. I would think it all has to do with your plan of action. Is it a buy and hold, BRRR or flip? As I have not done this yet I don't know all the details but one would think:
1. Buy and hold............isn't the loan an expense therefore you can write off the 5-6% interest your paying yourself back therefore providing a tax advantage. But then again if you claim that as an expense i guess you have to also claim it as profit since your paying it to yourself so that might end up a wash but maybe not because it's going into a 401k and not you another post-tax account. Also remember, your tenant is paying the loan back not you, hopefully, so that's a positive.
2. BRRRR.......your refinancing in 6 months cash out so you can immediately pay back your loan to get your 401k back to what it was in a short time. Again able to write down the loan interest portion as tax deductible, maybe?
3. Flip................you can pay back the loan even quicker and not loose much time of earnings in your 401k.
Of course factors like fees for the loans, fees for the selling and buying of your 401k allocations, etc come into play. Not to mention the current rate of return differences in your earning of the 401k compared to your funded Real estate deal.
To me the most important item you can't necessarily put a price on is time and education. Pull the loan, flip a house, make money. You now have more money than you did before and you gained the knowledge of another transaction. who knows, maybe that transactions leads you to another or meeting someone who helps you along the way of creating more wealth. You can't predict the possible end results on that. To me that's where the value of this loan comes in: it will help me do added deals now and we all know the more deals you do the more deals present themselves to you.
If someone could answer whether or not you can write off as a tax deduction the interest portion of your loan payment that would be appreciated. thank you.