Let me get this straight...... the LL found out the tenant was running an ArBNB without his knowledge in Feb 2022....and let that tenant stay until Sept 2023???? Are you insanely stupid?
Sorry but that LL is an idiot..... you either kick that person out in Feb 2022 or you religiously monitor that property for more illegal/unauthorized activity....because its going to happen. If you think that tenant is going to say "my bad....wont do it again" and you believe them, you are an idiot.
"couldn't confront the tenant directly because he manages it remotely from Oregon"....... what a horrible cop out
The city could document the HUNDRED of night the unit was booked as a STR....and the LL made ZERO effort after the first issue to monitor to see if hit the STR market again?
Sorry but the LL royally screwed up and now is paying the piper for being a completely absent LL. The LL obviously never inspected the property and had ZERO clue about the status of the unit.... just collecting his check in Oregon and being oblivious. He had a HUGE red flag warning and just kept motoring on and now is acting shocked the tenant continued to screw him over