@Barrett Anderson I am subdividing a lot right now in Bountiful. We received approval from Planning Commission and our last City Council meeting will be on Tuesday before we record.
Everything previously said by @Grandon Brimley and @William Hochstedler are spot on good things to keep in mind. When talking with your Fire Marshall the discussion will probably come up that you need to be within so many feet of a fire hydrant (in my case it was 400 ft) and a hose would have to wrap around the building for that. We will end up paying about 6k for the hydrant we needed.
As for the survey and plat work from an engineer office we paid just under 4k.
Also make sure the utilities for the new lot are accessible at this time. I have two projects where I ran into a moratorium on the street and because UDOT had just repaved I couldnt tear into the road for 2 years.
If the city already told you that it can be done you have won half the battle. I just read yesterday in the ABC's of real estate investing that "everything always takes longer and costs more than planned" this cant be more true then with real estate development. The cities are slow and there are all sorts of big ticket items.
Enjoy the journey!