Finding and acquiring deals is one thing, managing those properties once you own them is a whole other ballgame!
When it comes to property management, Jesse McCue (@Jesse McCue) has seen it all. Late rent, evictions, fire, flood, even those late-night clogged toilet calls. Here's your chance to learn from his experience as he shares advice on tenant screening, property maintenance, tenant training, and much more.
As a partner at Maine Real Estate Management in Bangor, Jesse benefits from a unique perspective on property management, both for his own units and those owned by other investors. So make sure you come on down to Nocturnem in Downtown Bangor for a meetup jam-packed with actionable info!
Whether you're just starting out or you're a real estate veteran, consider yourself invited to our Central Maine Investor Meetup.
We meet on the first Wednesday of every month so mark your calendar for monthly evenings of cold beer, tasty snacks, and an abundance of great real estate conversation.
Please click the "Attend Event" button if you plan to attend so we can get a sense of numbers and share this event with anyone you feel might benefit from attending.
We look forward to seeing you there!
PRO TIP: If you'd like an email reminder of this event please PM me with your email address.
Keywords: Bangor, Maine, Meetup, Brewer, Orono, Old Town, Hampden