Hey everyone,
I wanted to reach out to the community to ask for your thoughts and strategies on how to legally deny "fake ESA's." As ESA's become more and more popular, it seems like many people are taking advantage of the system to avoid paying pet fees and to bring animals into buildings that would otherwise be prohibited.
While I'm a big fan of pets myself, I'm getting tired of seeing so many pets being labeled as ESA's without any real need. I've seen everything from pit bulls being picked up from the pound and aggressively slamming against a neighbor's window to attack their chihuahua on the same 1st day, to people claiming to need four ESA's, even ESA pigs.
I know that designating a building as a no-pet building can lead to playing the hyper-allergenic tenant vs. ESA game, which can be a headache if not a losing battle. Plus, I want pets, but I also want pet rent.
So, what strategies have you used to legally deny ESA's? Do you require proof of a medical or psychological need for the ESA, and if so, what documentation do you require? Do you call the physician? Have you ever had to go to court to defend your decision to deny an ESA, and if so, what was the outcome?
I have heard of some people using pet application companies to make it more difficult or time-consuming for tenants to register their pets, but I'm not sure how effective this is. I'm interested to hear what other tactics have worked for you.
Thanks for your help! I look forward to hearing your insights and strategies