I can understand where your coming from when those around you put you down and I've witnessed the same attitude towards family, friends until I learned to STOP telling my goals to people to a certain extend. Its better to keep your dreams to yourself and just show them with your actions because there are types of people in this world: the ones who are self business owners and those who work for self business owners.
You can't help that you want more out of life to become successful in all ways possible. So keep doing what your doing.keep studying/research..I'm on week 4 with studying and it never stops., if u can find a mentor who can put you under there wings, that's great. There's nothing like "hands on" expwrience. Also, take the time boost your self esteem and motivate yourself. It starts there first!
When we hear so much of doubters, our mind starts to "believe" and we don't take action or go after what we want. So if you need to read self motivation, tapes, etc to build your confidence. Its scary out there and I'm a shy person, but we have to get out our comfort zones if you to see a change in your life. Wish you the best :)