@Amelia Kayes Awesome that you are thinking ahead and planning your financial future. Congrats on taking the most important step and getting started!
It has been done before. Do you have any plans on how you want to run your rentals? Are you going to buy locally and self manage? Are you going to use a property manager? Are you going to use an onsite manager? How does your numbers look? Most banks, as far as I know are skeptical about lending commercially to people without any rental experience, per se. And do you have a good size reserve fund? If something happens to a complex building that made some, or a lot of the units inhabitable, are you going to have money to invest in fixing it? I have seen many that didn't have enough of a reserve fund, can't fix up the units to be rented, lose rental income and becomes cash negative, thus losing more units because the units are inhabitable. It can be a vicious cycle, in the worst case scenario.
That being said, it has definitely been done before. Just like any investments, the best thing is to explore an idea, get some information on some real deals on the market now, do your numbers really carefully, talk to banks to see how much you can leverage, and do everything you can to really understand what you want to get into. Then you can make an informed decision for yourself. Have a lot of ideas but don't be afraid to toss an idea when it doesn't profit, and commit when it does. Do a lot of homework, and then do your homework again.