@Jerry W.
You are thinking what I am thinking! Yes California FTB taxes all LLC's and @Talha K. you have to make sure it is worth the money. If for some reason you do go down that route, I want to add that you can always put your property into a land trust with the LLC as the beneficiary, as transferring a property into a trust is the one exception for "due on sale" clause, and the LLC will take all the liability of the property. But really, the point of the LLC in my opinion is to shelter some of your assets from the others. If you don't have other big assets, what is there to shelter? And putting a property at this price range into an LLC really limits your options to refinance. What if you want to pull some equity out a couple of years down the line to buy more? If under your personal name, you have a bizillion options with great rates from Fannie and Freddie. If under a LLC, you have about two options with your local credit union at 1-2% higher interest rate. Things to consider. Best luck with the purchase.