Investment Info:
Other commercial investment investment in Bloomfield.
Purchase price: $360,000
Cash invested: $26,000
Sale price: $1,325,000
Bloomfield Mini Storage was approximately 15K square feet with about 1600 of office space ad the remaining being typical drive up access self storage units.
What made you interested in investing in this type of deal?
I was attracted to this one because it was storage and it was close to home! This property was located about 15 minutes form my house (7 miles) and it was part of a direct mail campaign that I was working. The letters got returned to me and though it took longer than I care to admit, I finally realized that if I couldn't get my letters delivered, neither could any other investors. So while out on a long run, I decided to stop in.
How did you find this deal and how did you negotiate it?
I found this property on 2 acres with 4 buildings which was approximately 13,500 feet of storage and 1,600 feet of office / apartment space in front. At the time it was 100% physically occupied, however, financially it was only at 57% and there was a new facility just down the road.
How did you finance this deal?
I purchased for $350,000; added a fence and new lot for $50,000; our closing costs totaled $20,000 for a total cost of the initial project coming to $420,000. I also had a minority partner investing $80,000; I borrowed $315,000 from the bank and I personally put in $26,000.
How did you add value to the deal?
After cleaning out the many (40 plus) abandoned units, we raised rates incrementally and filled to capacity. Once full we added 3,200 sq. feet in November 2015 and an additional 2,600 sq. feet and converted the 2 apartments in front to heated storage in November 2016. After refinancing in November 2016 for $600,000 and paying off the invested partner I funded the third and final round of expansion.
What was the outcome?
Having added over 8000 square feet of storage, filling to capacity and raising rents by 40% or so over what they were when we purchased, I was able to sell the property in April of 2019 for $1.325 million.