My father in law owns a cottage on a lake on the Maine/NH border. Due to where he is in his life, he's done with it (he's healthy enough, just getting sick of dealing with it). Before the end of 2014 it will be passed on to his son and my wife. Neither of us lives close enough to effectively manage the place. My brother in law is in TN. I'm in CO. Additionally, neither of us is in a position to use the place more than a few days a year.
To cottage is *NOT* suitable for year round use. Seasonal/weekly rentals through the summer (even spring and fall are likely out) are the best bets.
I don't even know what questions to ask or where to start. And that's part of the problem.
1) Partnership - I know business with family sucks. I think it's worth doing for now. The place is owned free and clear. All we need to cover are expenses and the criminal taxes. The mutual goal is to not loose the property and be able to pass it onto family when we're done. As long as no one loses track of that, I think we'll be fine. I have some experience with an LLC. I think my existing LLC paperwork could be re-used. But I don't know what state to file in. I would assume Maine. What else do I need to know? What else do I need to ask? My existing LLC is a partnership with my wife, and we pretty much act as one. Might a trust be a better way to go? Anyone know if Maine does "quit claim deeds" to make transfer easy?
2) Vacation rental - Does anyone know anything about the laws/regulations in Maine on the subject? Currently the place is being rented "under the table" on a weekly basis to friends of the family, but it is loosing money every year. I know there are places on the NH side that are rented weekly. I'm assuming we will need a very hands on and very capable property manager. (Any contacts I should know?) I assume weekly rentals would give us the best return (assuming vacancies work out) but the security of a seasonal deal is appealing. I'm looking to VRBO and AirBnB.
3) What am I forgetting? What am I missing? This is no where near my comfort zone and I am afraid that I'm going to miss something big.
Thanks in advance everyone. We knew this day was coming, but we all assumed we had a few more years.