@Shelby Robinson
I am glad to hear your response. I reacted to your choice of words not necessarily your true intent. Most, but certainly not all wholesalers, have no money and little to no experience. Nothing wrong with being a newbie or not having a boatload of money. But I do not like trying to work with time wasters (read people who do not have a buyers list) or worse still not having the proceeds to buy the property if they cannot find a buyer. You have just tied up someones property for x number of days while you scramble around trying to find a buyer while they are being foreclosed upon.
They truly believe they have a sale---and they don't have anything other than a home they cannot sell because it is in contract with someone who cannot close the property and "save" them. You shouldn't write contracts for property you cannot close on.
Many wholesalers operate as an unlicensed real estate agent, illegal in most all states. Even if you are the most ethical person around you are not legal in those states doing what a wholesaler does.
As to it being cheaper than an agent that is a laugh. Most posts I have read actually charged considerably more than an agent would have charged for their services. One the other night charged 12.1 %. You cannot tell me there are agents charging that much.
If an agent doesn't sell the property he doesn't get paid same as you. If he does sell the property the commission is split with the listing agent and the Brokers involved.
If though you mean that the seller will get a higher price than if sold by an agent that doesn't hold water either. If you are not discounting from the properties true value than it isn't a deal you will find a buyer for anyway so no you aren't getting them more.
Good luck though.