Can you define clearly what an investor friendly RE agent you? Every time I see that I cringe.
Most newbie investors come into real estate offices and tell the agent they speak with "I will take anything that makes sense". Now if you were a person who only makes their income by making a sale how much time would you spend with that kind of criteria?
Does that mean you can write a check all cash for a resort home? a 100 story building or a granny bungalow? What makes sense to the agent may make no sense to you or anyone else.
A better question for the agent might be "Do you own rental property yourself"? If not the agent probably doesn't understand the value in rental real estate or how flipping works. They are probably not a good fit cause they won't understand your needs.
If you don't have two nickels to rub together or hope of any she likely won't take you seriously. You are viewed a long term time waster. They make their money on sales not someone hoping to find that million dollar property owned by a little old gentleman who only needs $50,000.
Your best bet is to call a few offices and ask "do you have any agents that work with investors"/ Than if they say yes I do ask the "do you own rental property yourself? if no repeat until you find some one who does own a property.
When you meet them have a plan mapped out if you cannot explain what you are looking for for yourself you cannot explain it to them. Are you looking for a flip? Are you a buy and hold investor? What are your goals for real estate. Can you explain what you are looking for and the price range?
How much income must the property generate to make you pull the trigger on a sale. Know these answers before you meet with them because if you can answer them and you find someone who understands your needs and works at it they are worth their weight in gold. i trusted my out of state agent enough to buy 5 properties from her site unseen. But then I work with numbers which most agents do not which is something you must get used to in your search for an agent.
Good luck and when you do find someone good be loyal and they will repay you by giving you first shot at deals you may not ever get the chance to do otherwise.