@Dylan Tiernan
I became a Real Estate Agent later in life. I had a full-time job when I got my license and tried to make being a agent a part-time job. With that, I made about $15,000 in gross commission my first year. I do think if I made it my full-time job from the beginning I would have done better. It really depends how hard you are willing to work. I know people that were negative their first year because of the expenses and some that made over $250K. It really comes down to how hard you're going to work for it.
I do think you are in a better position than me because when I started all my friends and family already owned homes. The couple that didn't were more than happy to help me out by using me as their agent. You are just finishing up college and will have a whole group of people you know that will be wanting to buy houses that you could be their agent.
I do recommend getting on a team from the beginning. You won't make as much on each deal, but what you learn is invaluable and you can market to your friends you work with a strong team.
One word of caution is you said you were considering moving. Being an agent is all about relationships (and knowledge of the area). If you start building in one area and you move, you are starting new trying to build relationships. If you move to a new area you are having to learn the area as well. Just keep that in mind when making your decision.
Best of luck!