I personally don’t like the term low ball, it starts off sounding like someone is being taken advantage of. Instead think of it as an embarrassing offer. Can be 20-30% off list and really depends on what the market in that area is doing. You need to run and know your numbers in order to hit your criteria.
I find $100 a door to lean for my self and target 200-250 and usually that means a property with more than 1 unit (Alberta). Set your criteria first and if an offer doesn’t pan out move on. Keep emotion out of it or you will pay the price. Make sure you account for ALL your expenses, vacancy, maintenance as well and don’t use any of these numbers as “cash flow” if they don’t get spent. At some point they will need to be spent.
Think of a landlord that didn’t keep a reserve and all of a sudden Covid happened and maybe their tenant couldn’t pay rent for months. Unfortunately these folks have found themselves in rough spot.
Know your numbers.
Know your market.
Make offers that work for you.