Originally posted by @Mary Jay:
Originally posted by @Michael King:
@Mary Jay I use excel, but I'm pretty handy with it. I have one tab for each property. All income and expenses for that property are laid out month to month on that tab. Expenses are listed in the order that my accountant gave me. There is a separate tab that plops all the data from each property into a simple to read end of year synopsis (of each property) that is just a list of all total expenses and income. Easy for the accountant when I use it as a cover sheet with all receipts and paperwork attached to each sheet. I also have a profit/loss tab and best of all, a deal analyser tab.
Excel is great if you know how to use it. If you inadvertently delete formulas you need to know how to fix it.
Thats what I was thinking of doing too! I do my personal budget in Excel now...
How do you keep your property maintenance items? Clean gutters on property 1, unplug toilet on property 2, etc...What kind of system do you have for these?
Good question! Some expense categories I use are:
At the bottom of the sheet I have separate calculators that add up any repairs for the month. Same with the other two. For example, say I used a plumber and an HVAC guy for March, I throw their bills into the calc at the bottom and it populates the total in the Repairs category for the month of March. Same with Supplies because I buy a lot of supplies - paint, electrical stuff, ceiling fans, etc.
For the Utilities category, there are 4 companies that bill me for one of my properties, so I list each company on the monthly spreadsheet. At the end of the year it populates all 4 of those companies as a total under Utilities. I don't think my accountant cares how much I paid to which company, he wants to know how I much I spent on Supplies, Repairs, Utilities in total.