Thanks everybody for the non-legal advice.
Yes, I've already consulted a lawyer on the legal issues, but that's not what I'm most concerned about in this post. Lawyers are coming at things from (obviously) a legal perspective and what's best for us when we die. Clearly, that means setting up a family trust.
The problem is that lawyers aren't experts at real estate investing, capital growth, passive income, lending, personal finance or any of the other things that need to be considered.
As an anecdotal example, I was listening to Dave Ramsey and he said that he didn't advocate a trust for most people because they're a lot of extra trouble for what you're really getting that wouldn't be solved with an ordinary will. Then again, he's not an estate attorney.
So I'm just trying to gather a breadth of opinions, especially from the people on this forum that ARE experts at all of those other non-legal things. I want to think of the things I haven't thought of yet.
As an additional data point, our net worth is relatively low, maybe around 5-600k.
Thanks again,