Originally posted by Jeff Tumbarello:
Originally posted by Matty M:
I like commission junction. (cj.com) You pick the advertisers and you have the option of the ad opening a new window when clicked. I get the most revenue from them.
I am going to remove Google adsense from my site. The revenue stream dropped when they changed the hot areas of the ads. I may check out adbrite.
But overall I'm not focused much on my web venture, and haven't been for a while, so I may not be the best source of advice.
I just logged into my CJ account, got a 98.00 balance, Its pretty cool. :cool:
Nice! I love that feeling.
I had a good month, though I view my last web venture as a failure. Well, that's not true, It is a success in education, actually. I definitely learned a lot.
I had 185.00 from CJ showing this month. But that is unusual this year. Last year at this time I'd get about 150 per month from CJ, and another 100.00 from google. This year I"M about about 17.00 per month from Google. CJ is lower, too. It is neglect of the site causing lower traffic. But the proportion of how much lower google is than CJ implies that change they made also had an effect.
With CJ it's just one ad from one advertiser that's doing the trick.
My uniques dropped from 10k per month last year to about 4k per month now. There does appear to be a small glimmer of hope based on some white hat seo efforts I did about 4 months ago. And if that shows more positive results, I may do a redesign and enhance functionality. But overall I'm more focused getting this REI thing down, and working on my unrelated site would detract from it. I'd really need some Google love to consider directing my energy back into the site. The current algorithm over there is thinking about it.