I got a call earlier this week from a customer I installed a deck for back in 2002 . He is selling his house and the "home inspector " says the deck wasnt built to code . The customer is upset , I told him to give me a day to go thru my files . I pull all my copies , approved plans from the county , footer inspections , final inspections , AND I found a copy of the code from 2002 .
I email the sellers agent all the info , and she emails back that the deck isnt up to todays code . WTF ?
I then called the customer and told them their agent needs an education , of course the deck isnt up to todays code , code changes every year . The house was built in 1967 , thats the code the house the house has to be in . Any improvements that were done over the years had to be done to code of that year . Tell the buyers if they want a house that is up to current code , buy a brand new one . If it passed inspection it was up to code at the time the work was done .